Accomodation type
Mariupol city, beach "Peschanniy"
A house for 3-4 persons on the shore
60 UHr per day
phone: 10380664955131 (mobile)
phone: 10380629491735 (home)
Owners: Galina, Viktor
Mariupol city and its districts
1 place
20-30 UHr per day
Melekino, Belosarayskaya kosa
Private hotel "Laguna" located directly on the sea shore
30-40 UHr per day
phone: 10380629491602, director Yankovskiy Gennadiy Mikhailovich
Melekino, Belosarayskaya kosa
Private hotel "Delphin"
A room for 2 persons from 250 UHr per day + 30 UHr additive bed
Hotel "Tri tolstyaka"
Room "DE LUXE" from 170 UHr per day
Room "Semi de luxe" from 117 UHr per day
Room "Advanced" from 95 UHr per day
www.tolstyak.com.ua, There is a taxi driving from Melitopol city to Kirillovka